• File the original return from this office (with name and account number preprinted, when possible.) Be sure to sign and date the return.
  • It is advantageous to provide a breakdown of assets since depreciation on each item may vary.
  • Identify any equipment that may have been “physically removed.” List those items in the appropriate section of the return.
  • Do not use vague terms such as “various” to describe assets or years purchased.
  • Additional information regarding filing is provided in the instructional section of the return itself.
  • If you sell your business, go out of business, or move to a new location, please inform this office. Submit via the New/Closed Business tab under Tangible Personal Property.
  • The deadline for printing or saving a TPP extension is April 1.
  • Section 193.063, F.S., provides that the Property Appraiser shall grant an extension for up to 30 days and may, at his or her discretion, grant an additional extension up to 15 additional days.

Important Dates to Remember
January 1
Date of assessment
Personal property returns mailed
April 1
Filing deadline for personal property returns to avoid penalties
Notices of proposed property tax (TRIM Notices) mailed
Deadline to file Value Adjustment Board petition
Tax bills sent by Tax Collector

For additional information about Tangible Personal Property, please contact: info@mywakullapa.com.